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2/11/14: Jigging Master Ocean Devil Reels vs. Power Spell Reels

10th Feb 2014

Jigging Master Ocean Devil Reels:

Jigging Master came out with new reels: JM Ocean Devil Reels. They are more economical version of JM Power Spell reels (Ocean Devil reel: starting at $314). They come in size PE4, PE5, PE6, and PE8 (Righty and Lefty). The colors are Silver/Black and Gold/Silver.
The spool size/line capacity are exactly the same as the Power Spell reels.

Differences with Power Spell Reels:
*Ocean Devil Reel's gear ratio is little bit higher.
*Ocean Devil Reel weighs lighter (OD PE4: 425g, PS PE4: 500g)
*Ocean Devil Reel's drag is lower. (OD PE4: 20lb, 40lb Max, PS pE4: 25lb, 50lb Max)
*Ocean Devil Reel has Round Knob while Power Spell has T-Bar Handle.
(For detailed chart: http://jignpop.com/jigging-master-reel-chart-jigging-master/)

Test Results:
We tested the Ocean Devil reels on PV trip for tuna and shark.
We had one big tuna and fought over an hour with the reel before it pulled the hook. The drag is very smooth like JM PE reels and it looks very strong.

JM Ocean Devil PE8, PE5, and PE4 (From Left to Right):

JM Ocean Devil PE8 Reel filled with 420 yards of 80# Jerry Brown Hollow (Left) and JM Power Spell PE8 Reel (Right):

PV Trip with JM Ocean Devil PE8 Reel: